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Neopets Beta Update + Site Update

Posted on 13 May 2021 by Matt
First of all I just want to update everyone that the mobile layout conversion for Sketched Neo will be delayed.
I was really hoping to have it ready this week, however I have had some urgent medical appointments this week which has led me be too unwell to work on it.
Once I am fully recovered I will be sure to update everyone on the progress of when I expect to launch it!
Now onto some really great news....
Neopets announced yesterday a formal update for Bet V0.4.6!
A raft of new additions/updates have been launched, below we have summarised these for you
Site Search V1
The search function has now been added! Might I say its incredibly good and so good to see this back! You can use it via the eyeglass at the top right of each page next to the notifications icon.
Main Pages
Community Central and Create a Pet have been made mobile friendly!! Both have had a nice overhaul.
Several quests have been converted to mobile:
Kitchen Quest
Illusen's Glade
Jhudora's Bluff
The Snow Faerie's Quest
The BRAIN Tree
Gamesroom Content Update
Some more classic games that don't rely on Flash ahve been made mobile friendly:
AAA's Revenge
Neopian Adventure Generator
Vending Machine
Below are some further notes from neo about other updates/fixes being worked on:
Happy Tyrannian Victory Day!!!
- The Tyrannia site theme is now available for use on mobile-friendly pages. Visit your preferences to check it out.
- We are continually converting and fixing wearable items for HTML5 customisation.
- We've made some minor improvements to the keyboard-accessibility of the main navigation bar, although this is not the final state for the menu. Stay tuned for more fully-featured accessibility updates in the future.

Sketched Neo is going Mobile friendly + New Affiliate!

Posted on 26 Apr 2021 by Matt
Hey everyone,
Apologies for the lack of news and updates for the tail end of the Festival of Neggs, there was a reason for it though, meaning - I have some good news!
During this time we have been working behind the scenes to further enhance Sketched Neo.
Currently we are working on a rebuild of the current layout that will be mobile responsive to people visiting on their Mobile device! Its going to take a little bit of time, but it is incredibly exciting as there are only a couple of sites out there that are actually mobile friendly. Unlike Neo we will maintain two sperate layouts, one for Desktop and one for Mobile so both can have a good experience.

I'll keep you all updated as we work to bring the new layout live. The estimated launch at this stage is May 15th NST
Feel free to leave a comment with any ideas or features that you would like to see that you feel may be helpful!
As well as this I want to let everyone know that we have resumed our Affiliation with Castle Neo!
Many years ago we were affiliated with them when they were iNeovia and it is great to re-join this in 2021! If you haven't already, make sure you check out their wonderful site!


Festival of Neggs - Day 13 - 16 Summary

Posted on 20 Apr 2021 by Matt

Neopets User Lookup Layouts 2020

Apologies for the lack of updates the last few days! Below is a roundup from Days 13 - 16 of the Festival of Neggs

Day 13

Neggs for the Festival can be found at the Lever of Doom

Day 14

You can find them at the Fanciful Fauna

Day 15

Location is the Roo Island Merry Go Round

Day 16

You will be able to find them at the Kiko Lake Carpentry
Let us know in the comments which Negg you selected!

Festival of Neggs - Day 12

Posted on 16 Apr 2021 by Matt

Neopets User Lookup Layouts Anime

Neopets user lookup layouts 2020
The Neggs for Day 12 of the Festival of Neggs can be found at the The Crumpetmonger
Let us know in the comments which Negg you selected!

Simple Neopets User Lookup Layouts

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