Elementary Graduation Speech

Disclaimer: No official decisions have been made to change Montclair State University’s commencement and or convocation ceremonies scheduled for May 2020. This is a strictly satirical opinion piece.

It is such an honor to deliver this year’s commencement address. It’s unfortunate that this year’s ceremony is being conducted over Skype, and even more tragic that you all have an up-close and pixelated view of my double chins. We soldier on.

This is, of course, not how any of us imagined our college experiences to end. After thousands of dollars and years of late nights and poor dietary choices, our time at Montclair State University has come abruptly and unsettlingly to a close.

What Is a Graduation Speech? A graduation speech, also known as a commencement address, is a type of speech that is addressed to graduating students during their commencement rites. The speech template is typically given by faculty members or overachievers. It is meant to inspire and motivate an audience. Jan 24, 2019 Best Elementary Graduation Quotes from Elementary School Graduation Quotes QuotesGram.Source Image: quotesgram.com.Visit this site for details: quotesgram.com Whether your student is in senior high school or college, crafting the best advice for a speech at the college graduation party or thoughtful wishes for a graduation card can be a challenge. Ben Foster (8th Grade Graduate) Good Evening, parents and family, Monsignor Joe, Father Rolly, Father Edward, Deacon Dennis, Seminarian Phil, Mrs. Wiley, teachers and faculty members, and the Holy Trinity class of 2009. Recently, Education Week and Education Week Teacher asked readers to send us 2012 high school commencement addresses that inspired them. Below you’ll find graduation remarks delivered by a.

Imagine being a senior in college right now and having the entire period between spring break and graduation cancelled. Two months early, you have to suddenly move home and say goodbye to everyone AND college in general? 21-year-old me would have been in a glass case of SHAMBLES.

— Samantha Matt (@SamanthaMatt1) March 11, 2020


We were sent away from campus, our friends and the lives we had created for ourselves as the world we had just begun bracing ourselves for becomes even scarier. We are uncertain graduates in an uncertain time, looking for answers when there might not be any.

We had virtual goodbyes and no transition into the real world like we had planned. Just bins of belongings and a sudden push into completely uncharted waters.

Being a college senior right now is wild. Did I have my last ever class without realizing it? Will I have a graduation ceremony? How many people have I seen for the last time?

— Arya Hodjat (@arya_kidding_me) March 12, 2020

In the two days after Montclair State’s decision to extend spring break and make classes online for the rest of the semester, I had to resign from two jobs and get ready to move my belongings out of my residence hall and home two months earlier than expected. I was sad, angry, scared and ashamed.

I was ashamed that I felt upset even though myself and my loved ones were still healthy and because I know precautionary measures are crucial. I felt that I had no right to be so unsettled, especially because I still had somewhere to live and comforts still available to me. These are not givens and I remain very grateful.

After I cried and ate a lot of Oreos (Double Stuf, because I haven’t become completely unhinged), I realized that it’s okay to feel upset about all of these changes even though I still have a lot to be grateful for. This is an unsettling time for all of us, and feeling ashamed of our emotions just because others may have it worse is unhealthy and unproductive. I know I’m not alone in feeling rattled by senior year ending this way and the general anxiety of such tumultuous times.

There’s a moment in every graduation speech where the speaker reminds everyone to unify in maintaining their lofty ideals and to always treat people with kindness. They’ll say that the world is ours if we’re brave enough to chase after it, and that dreams come true if we work hard.

This is all true, but not what I need to hear right now and not what I want to pass on to you.

My message is this: Be upset. Wallow for a little bit. Text your friends about how much this sucks and post pictures from earlier in the year with sappy captions about senior recitals and championship games. We can make our own transition period. We’re all pretty scared and we’re all entitled to feel so, and sharing these sentiments will remind us we’re in this together as we move forward.

Let the problem have its place and then move on, whenever that may be for you. And if you harbor some bitterness about not experiencing senior week, or getting to walk at graduation or even acting up on campus one last time, that’s okay, too. Just as discomfort breeds strength and growth, a little well-placed bitterness breeds fortitude in its own way.

So here’s to you, class of 2020. We started from the bottom, and we might still be at the bottom. But I suppose we can only go up from here.


Ah, crap. Has my mic been muted this whole time?

Last week our number 2 daughter graduated from primary school. OMG, where did that time go? It only feels like yesterday that she was born and next year she is off to high school…

Sometimes it feels like if you blink you will miss something. Life flies by so quickly.

Anyhow, I was lucky enough to make a speech at her graduation on behalf of the school council and the parents. Today I thought that I would share it with you. Enjoy xx
Hi, for those of you that don’t know me, my name is Heidi and I am really honoured that tonight I get to make a speech on behalf of school council to our graduating grade 6 class.

OMG, it only feels like yesterday that you were all starting prep and you were all so little and cute and now you all look so grown up and you have all learnt so much this year like Snap chat, Instagram and Musically……

On a serious note…

As I look around everyone here tonight I see so many faces of your parents that I consider my good friends, Your primary school days have been an amazing journey for not only you but also for your parents. I remember tears from your families on your first day of prep and I am sure there will be tears for some on your first day of high school next year.

Your parents and families are very proud of you…..just look around at their smiling faces, taking pictures of you all, helping you get fancy for tonight. You are all very loved and tonight while you are in the good books it is a great time to ask for a raise in your pocket money.
This year you all participated in the most amazing production of Seussical. I sat in the audience and was blown away by the effort and dedication that not only you but your teachers put into it. Today when I was writing this speech and thinking about your year in grade 6 I realised that some of the most important lesson in life you can learn from Dr Suess

For example, “A person’s a person no matter how small” this is such an important phrase

No truer words have been said….imagine our world today if everybody showed each other love and respect no matter their size, the way they look or where they live….

and so I have found 5 Dr Seuss quotes that I would like to share with you and what they can mean to your life in high school

“You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose”

This one statement is so important for you guys tonight. Next Tuesday will be your last day in primary school

You have been given so many amazing skills both academically from your teachers but also life skills that you get to take forward into high school and your lives. It is now up to you to choose where you are going to go……

You get to choose how you act in high school
How much work you put into it
How many opportunities you grab with both hands and make the most of
How you get to look after your bodies and your mind
Who you get to hang out with and these choices can make all the different to where you end up in life.

So think about things and before you act and try to make awesome decision

“Kid, you’ll move mountains”
Some tasks in life are going to seem huge and unachievable……but if you believe you can, you can do anything…break things into small achievable steps. In your life, it is the baby steps that you take towards a goal that adds up to leaps and bounds. Before you know it you have achieved it. If things get overwhelming don’t forget to talk to someone about it either a parent, teacher or friend.

The world can feel different when you have talked about a problem so don’t bottle things up inside.

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better…it’s not”

At the moment our world is not the nicest place, there is pollution, war and people just don’t seem to care enough about each other……for this to change it takes a new generation to work together and care for each other…… the change can start with YOU.


“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”

We are all very different and that is OK. Different isn’t bad it is just different. Embrace your difference in the world and don’t follow the crowd. It is OK to be you. Stand up and shine in whatever you choose to do

Elementary Graduation Speech Sample

“Oh, the things you can think if you are willing to try”

Keep an open mind and don’t be lazy when it come to thinking and growing. Nobody can do life for you. You get out of something what you put in.

Stay active in your life and play a sport. Have fun. Team sports are awesome, you make great friends and when people work together they can achieve amazing things

“The more that you read the more that you know the more that you know the more places you’ll go”
You al have the basics of Math and English. Your teachers have done such an amazing job with this…keep learning and you can go anywhere and achieve anything.

I would just like to take this opportunity on behalf of you parents and school council to thank all of your teachers for all of the time and effort that they have put into not only tonight but, all of your years in primary school. They go above and beyond ALL the time. We are so lucky to have such amazing teachers because they not only teach our children but they care about them as little people. It is so very appreciated…Thank you

So guys…..

“You’re off to great places today is your day Your mountain is waiting so get on your way”

Enjoy your night tonight and good luck in high school. I can’t wait to see how amazing you all are in 10 years time xx

FREE Challenge>> Feel Fab In 5 Days

Are you ready to feel great again but don’t know where to start? I hear you!

There is so much to do EVERYDAY! It is so hard to fit YOU into the equation. With 4 children I know exactly what you mean, that is why I have made YOU this FREE Challenge so that you can FEEL FAB in 5 DAYS!

Wirth 4 children I know exactly what you mean, that is why I have made YOU this FREE Challenge so that you can FEEL FAB in 5 DAYS!

Elementary Graduation Speech For Guest Speaker

You Ready? Good…..Let’s get started. x