Welcome to the Britax Knowledge Center Here you'll find information on everything from car seat and stroller basics to in-depth information on specific Britax product features. Select a category to start browsing our articles and videos. Recall Information. In cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Transport Canada, Britax Child Safety, Inc. Announced today that it is conducting a voluntary safety recall on certain Advocate ClickTight, Boulevard ClickTight, and Marathon ClickTight model convertible car seats manufactured between August 1, 2014 - July 29, 2015.
(Last Updated On: March 11, 2020)In 2013, Britax shook things up with the introduction of ClickTight technology on the Frontier combination car seat. This technology has made installation simple, to say the least, and we hoped and waited for Britax to add ClickTight to their convertible car seat line. The wait is over — the ClickTight convertible seats: Britax Advocate ClickTight, Boulevard ClickTight and Marathon ClickTight seats are here to stay!
CSFTL Quick Stats
- Rear facing weight range: 5-40 pounds
- Rear facing height range: can be used until the child’s head is 1 inch from the top of the fully extended head restraint
- Forward facing weight range: 20-65 pounds
- Forward facing height range: up to 49 inches tall
- Shell height: 29 inches tall
- Lowest harness position: 7.5 inches with newborn insert
- Highest harness position: 18.65 inches per Britax (we measured slightly higher because we measure from the outer edge of the harness position)
- Expiration: 10 years
- Lower anchor weight limit: 30 pounds rear facing, 35 pounds forward facing
- ClickTight Installation
- Two position adjustable crotch strap
- Seven recline settings for rear and forward facing
- No re-thread harness
Opening the ClickTight panel to install the Britax Advocate ClickTight
Important note: the ClickTight convertible car seats install best with the vehicle seat belt. That’s why the lower anchors are stored in a place that’s kind of hard to find.
Installing the Advocate ClickTight is unlike any convertible car seat you’ve ever installed. In fact, forget everything you know about car seat installation. As the name states, the biggest feature of the Advocate ClickTight is the ClickTight installation. Just open the ClickTight, thread the vehicle seat belt through the appropriate belt path, and close the ClickTight. There are a few other steps, but it’s basically as simple as that.
Vehicle Seat Belt
To open the ClickTight, push with one finger on the dimple of the ClickTight dial. The dial will flip up and can be rotated 90 degrees, which will open the ClickTight. The belt paths are clearly marked with blue for rear facing and green for forward facing.
Thread the vehicle seat belt through the appropriate belt path and buckle it; and this is the part where you need to forget everything you know about installing a car seat. Don’t pull the vehicle seat belt tight like you would with most car seats, because the ClickTight is going to do the tightening for you. Remove the excess slack in the belt, close the ClickTight, and in most cases you’ll have a secure installation with less than 1 inch of movement at the belt path.
Britax Serial Number Lookup
The ClickTight functions as a lockoff, so there is no need to engage the seat belt’s locking retractor with a lap/shoulder belt with a sliding latchplate and switchable retractor.
Britax Advocate ClickTight installed with a lap-only seat belt.
If you are installing in a vehicle with a lap-only belt or a lap/shoulder belt with sewn on latchplates, it is important to make sure the seat belt is locked according to the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions.
Not sure how your vehicle’s seat belts lock? Lock It Up takes a closer look.
Lower Anchors
Britax Advocate ClickTight installed with lower anchors.
The Advocate ClickTight is equipped with lower anchors, which store in a compartment at the back of the seat’s base.
Because the seat belt installation is so simple, Britax has chosen to use standard j-hook style connectors rather than the premium push button connectors you may be used to with other Britax seats.
Britax recommends that the ClickTight convertible car seats be installed with the vehicle seat belt.
To use the lower anchors, remove the strap from the storage compartment and thread through the appropriate belt path after opening the ClickTight. Attach the lower anchors to the lower anchor connectors in the vehicle, remove excess slack, and close the ClickTight. It is important to note that the Advocate ClickTight only allows for lower anchor installation in seating positions with standard 11″ lower anchor spacing, and that the child must weigh less than 30 pounds rear facing or 35 pounds forward facing to install using lower anchors.
The tether on older versions of this seat can be used both rear and forward facing, and you can find the tether neatly stored in a panel on the back of the seat. When rear facing, if your seat allows, the tether can be attached using the enclosed tether connector strap attached to a fixed location that is bolted to the floor. It is important to note that this strap is different from previous generation “d-ring” tether connector straps, the ClickTight connector strap has a webbing loop on either end, as opposed to the metal ring users of previous generation Britax seats may be familiar with. Also important to note is that some vehicles may prohibit the use of a tether connector strap in this method, so it is important to consult your vehicle and car seat owner’s manual prior to use of the tether while rear facing. A second option for rear facing is to attach the tether to the anchor typically used for forward facing, which means the tether strap will run around the child seat and may make it difficult for loading and unloading the child. If the tether anchor is too short to reach the anchor or the provided rear facing tether connector webbing, Britax can provided an extension. It is important to note that the tether extenders for forward and rear facing are different, so you must specific which direction you intend to face the seat when you call to request the extender. Britax recommends, but does not require, use of the tether while rear facing. An anti-rebound bar is now available for purchase from Britax. This is used to control rebound and can be used on all ClickTight convertibles in all vehicles without restriction.
Forward facing, the tether should be used at all times and must be attached to a tether anchor that is approved by the vehicle manufacturer. If your vehicle has tether anchors located on the ceiling or floor of your vehicle, you may find the Advocate ClickTight tether strap to be too short to reach your vehicle’s tether anchor. If that is the case, contact Britax and they can provide an extension so that you may utilize the tether anchor. My Honda CRV has ceiling mounted tether anchors, and the tether strap attached with room to spare.
Britax Advocate ClickTight Recline Level Indicator
The Advocate ClickTight features seven recline positions. To adjust the recline, squeeze the handle located at the bottom front portion of the seat. The Advocate ClickTight can be in any of the recline positions provided the indicator reflects the appropriate position for the age and direction of the child. The rear facing zone is clearly labeled in blue, keeping with the blue labels for all the rear facing components of the seat. The light blue zone is required for infants without sufficient head and neck control, while the darker blue can be used for older infants and toddlers that can safely sit more upright. The green zone represents the allowable recline settings for forward facing, any of which can be used if the indicator rests in the green and the Advocate ClickTight does not overhang the vehicle seat more than 3″. I was able to install the Advocate ClickTight forward facing in three of the more upright recline settings without exceeding the overhang requirements and while keeping the indicator in the green zone. This provided a nice recline, which may be particularly useful for children with special needs that require them to sit at a more reclined angle. I would love for there to be an additional indicator that shows which of the seven recline positions the seat is in, as I found it a little difficult to tell whether I had gone one click or several clicks when adjusting the recline. If necessary, a pool noodle or tightly rolled towel may be added to further adjust the recline of the Advocate ClickTight, but with 7 adjustable positions and a generous range of allowable angles, there are very few scenarios in which it would be necessary.
Fit to Child
Rear Facing
The Advocate ClickTight is rated for children from 5-40 pounds, and does not state a standing height limit for rear facing. Unlike previous Britax convertible car seats that only allowed rear facing until 1″ from the top of the shell of the car seat, the Advocate ClickTight has a reinforced head restraint which allows for rear facing until the child’s head is 1″ from the top of the fully extended head restraint. Fully extended, the head restraint of the Advocate ClickTight measures 29″, making it competitive with the tallest rear facing convertible seats currently available. Most children will reach the 40 lb weight limit before ever reaching the maximum height capacity of the Advocate ClickTight rear facing.
With the lowest harness position measuring 7.5″, and the fully extended head restraint measuring 29″, the Advocate ClickTight has the potential to fit a large range of children.
Our Huggable Images doll is 7 pounds and17 inches long. She fit beautifully in the Advocate ClickTight. The straps were just a bit below her shoulders and easily passed the pinch test. The Advocate ClickTight’s seven recline positions came in handy here, I placed it in the most reclined position and it was well reclined enough for a newborn.The impact absorbing chest pads are a little bit bulky for our doll, so I removed them along with the comfort pads and found it much easier to tighten the harness on her small body. She is using the infant insert, which can be used or removed at any time provided the child fits correctly in the seat with or without it.
21 Months Old
This model is 21 months old, weighs 23 pounds and is 31 inches tall She fits great in the Advocate ClickTight, there is plenty of leg room and she will be able to ride rear facing for years to come.
I find it very easy to get her in and out of the seat, and I love the multiple recline options that allow her to be comfortable enough to doze off in the car, yet upright enough to see out the window and fit easily behind the driver’s seat. I have moved the crotch buckle to the outer position for her, because the inner position was digging into her thighs.
Four Years Old
This kiddo just turned 4 years old. She weighs 30 pounds and is 39 inches tall She loved the Limelight pattern on our Advocate ClickTight, and had plenty of room to grow rear facing, both in height and weight.
Britax Advocate ClickTight has plenty of legroom for rear facing big kids
The main downside for her is the length of the crotch buckle, which is rather short and can make it uncomfortable for the child while getting buckled.
The Advocate ClickTight doesn’t offer quite as much leg room as some other seats, but still offered plenty of space for her to easily climb in and out of the seat and ride quite comfortably.
Forward Facing
Forward facing, the Advocate ClickTight is rated from 20-65 pounds and for heights up to 49 inches tall. We commend Britax for recommending several times in the manual that children ride rear facing until a minimum of two years old, ideally until they have reached the maximum rear facing weight or height capacity of the seat before riding forward facing.
Installation of the Advocate ClickTight forward facing is nearly the same as it is rear facing. Loosely attach the top tether, then open the ClickTight. Thread the vehicle seat belt through the forward facing slots, close the ClickTight, and then tighten the tether.
6 Years Old
This model is 6 years old. He weighs 43 pounds and is 47 inches tall. He’s got lots of room to grow in the Advocate ClickTight. Initially, I had him sit in the seat and was concerned because the harness barely had enough slack to get around his body. I was able to buckle him in but there was no growing room to be had.
The Britax Advocate CT has lots of growing room for this 6-year-old model
Upon further investigation into the manual, I found information that the harness can be lengthened several inches to accommodate older children. Once I made that adjustment, there was plenty of room for him, and he has several inches of growing room before he will have outgrown the Advocate ClickTight.
Adjusting the harness length on the Britax Advocate ClickTight
To adjust the harness strap length, open the ClickTight and you will find that the hip portion of the harness is wrapped around the anchor. To lengthen the harness, detach the strap, and slip the sewn on end over the anchor. You can find full instructions from Britax here. When the ClickTight convertible seats initially became available, some parents found that this portion of the harness was not fully attached from the factory. It is important, with any seat, to check that all components are functioning correctly before use. Read more about that issue and how to check.
The Click & Safe is designed to give an audible “click” when the harness is snug enough on the child’s body. It definitely clicks, but not always when the harness is tight enough. The clicking mechanism is located under the a-lock at the front of the seat, so it’s very easy for it to think there is enough tension if the caregiver hasn’t made sure to remove all the slack from the hip & torso area prior to pulling the tightening strap. Pulling the tightening strap too fast can also cause it to click prematurely. It’s a great helper, but it’s still important to make sure all slack is removed from all areas of the harness before travel, don’t just rely on the click.
To adjust the harness, simply squeeze the red handle and pull the head restraint up or down to the desired position. Position the harness straps at or below the child’s shoulders for rear facing; at or above for forward facing.
The comfort pillow goes underneath the child’s bottom and helps provide a secure fit for newborns and small infants. Britax directs the caregiver to remove the comfort pillow after the child can sit comfortably in the child seat without additional support.
The impact absorbing chest pads are highly recommended for forward facing, but can be removed when rear facing to ensure a snug fit on infants and smaller children. To remove the impact absorbing chest pads, the harness must be detached from the splitter plate on the back of the seat. Most of the back of the seat is enclosed, and I found it rather difficult to thread and rethread the harness.
The EZ Buckle pad keeps the buckle in the forward position when unbuckled, making it easy to load the child without having to dig the buckle out from underneath them. The buckle has two positions, measuring 5″ and 7″ deep , with the strap measuring 3″ in length. Whichever slot is closest to, but not under the child, may be used for rear facing. Forward facing, Britax requires use of the outer slot. To switch between positions, open the ClickTight, rotate the buckle strap and slide it into the next position.
If you’re familiar with previous generation Britax car seats, you are probably familiar with this feature under the name SICT, or Side Impact Cushion Technology. Britax has changed the name, and also slightly changed the design of the external cushions, designed to divert energy away from the child in a crash. They are sleeker and less obtrusive than previous models, while still providing the same crash protection to the child.
We love it when a manufacturer thinks about the little things – like where can you stow the instruction manual for easy reference whenever a question comes up? The Advocate ClickTight has a handy little storage pocket underneath the cover for convenient storage and quick access to any question that comes your way. We also love the tidy storage spots for the lower anchors and tether, shown earlier in our review.
The cover has four separate pieces. The manual directs that it should be hand washed and line dried, not machine washed or dried. Removal of the cover is a little bit time-consuming but not overly difficult. You do not have to disconnect the harness in order to remove it. One note that we found, after handwashing the cover, it retained quite a bit of water and had to air dry for a couple of days before it was ready to be used again.
You won’t find the label containing the date of manufacture and serial number in its usual spot by the left shoulder, if you’re familiar with Britax restraints. The Advocate ClickTight has hidden this important label underneath the cover near where the child’s knees would be bent if in the seat, a bit of a throwback for those of us who have been car seating for a little while now and shall remain nameless. The great thing about this label though? Add ten years to the date, and that is the Advocate ClickTight expiration. With generous limits AND expiration, this is a seat that can get almost every kid well through birth to the age when they’re ready to move to a belt positioning booster seat.
The FAA Approval information is written in red letters in the label at the base of the seat. It’s right below the recline indicator.
Note: if you’re flying with the Britax Advocate ClickTight, Boulevard ClickTight, or the Marathon ClickTight and using the Gogo Kidz Travelmate, you’ll need to order a longer strap for the Travelmate.
ClickTight Family
The car seat model used in this review is the Advocate ClickTight, with a brief cameo from the Boulevard ClickTight. You can find the ClickTight technology on the Marathon, Boulevard, and Advocate ClickTight models. The Boulevard and Advocate ClickTight share the same specifications, the Boulevard is simply lacking the external side impact protection cushions. The Marathon ClickTight lacks the reinforced True Side Impact Protection head restraint that the Boulevard and Advocate ClickTight feature.
- ClickTight installation makes installation very simple
- High rear facing height limits
- No re-thread harness
- High price tag
- Seat is fairly heavy at 29.4 pounds

Overall Thoughts
The Britax Advocate ClickTight is simple to install, long-lasting, and easy to use. The few minor drawbacks we found were the high price, heavy weight, and tendency for the parent to try to over tighten the seat belt unnecessarily with the ClickTight. The ClickTight family will be a great addition to many back seats, and we hope it keeps kids rear facing longer, and helps more caregivers install their seats correctly with ease. You can find the Advocate ClickTight on Amazon.com.There was a recall for this model announced on August 13, 2015. Please check to see if your seat is affected and order the necessary fix.
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- Connect with us on these websites : OUR PRODUCTS
Where do I find the manufacture date
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- I sent Britax a picture already, along with the base defect I want them to look at
- No recall on this seat in Canada, so I'm clear there, thankfully -- checking for recalls don't you just look at the DOM and the model #? I've never recorded, or referenced serial numbers at a check.
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Csftl.orgDA: 9PA: 35MOZ Rank: 50
- You won’t find the label containing the date of manufacture and serial number in its usual spot by the left shoulder, if you’re familiar with Britax restraints
- The Advocate ClickTight has hidden this important label underneath the cover near where the child’s knees would be bent if in the seat, a bit of a throwback for those of us who
Product Registration Britax Australia
Britax.com.auDA: 17PA: 38MOZ Rank: 62
- We recommend that you register all children’s products to ensure you are covered by your Warranty
- In order to apply for Britax Safe-n-Sound Extended Warranty you will need to register your product
- Registering your products purchase online simplifies proof of purchase in the event of a warranty claim
Manualslib.comDA: 18PA: 35MOZ Rank: 61
- Page 5 Child Seat Features 18 Serial Number and Manufactured Date Label 19 Tether Adjuster 20 Tether Hook 21 Tether Webbing 22 Tether Storage Strap 23 Harness Straps 24 Harness Mode Send your name, address, and the child seat’s model number and manufacturing date to Britax Child Safety, Inc., P .O
- Box 91167 Allentown, PA 18109-9925, or
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Britax G4.1 Series is an update on the Britax G4 series with a number of changes and improvements while remaining structurally similar convertible car seats Britax B Safe 35 Elite is the updated version of Britax’s popular B Safe infant car seat, adding Side Impact Protection PLUS to its number …
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- The Graco 4ever Or Britax Allegiance
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- Defect: Britax Child Safety, Inc
- (Britax) is recalling certain Advocate ClickTight child seats, model numbers E9LT95Q, E9LT95Z, E9LT95N, and E1A025Q, Boulevard ClickTight child seats, model numbers E9LT86F, E1A135Q, E9LT86G, E9LT85Q, E9LT86A, E9LT86H, E9LT85S, E1A015Q, E1A016A, and E1A016H, and Marathon ClickTight child seats, model numbers
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Britax Safety: 3 layers of side impact protection, steel frame and crumple zone help absorb crash energy; patented v-shaped tether No Rethreading, Ever: 14-position harness & headrest move together using one hand for the proper fit as your child grows
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Productreview.com.auDA: 24PA: 46MOZ Rank: 83
Britax Car Seat Serial Number Lookup
- The older model of the Safe-n-Sound Graphene has been replaced with a newer model and the only changes made are the re-order code and the black harness
- The product name is still the Safe-n-Sound Graphene, not Graphene V2
- If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us [email protected]britax.com.
Product Registration Britax New Zealand
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- In order to properly register your child restraint system, you will need to provide the model number, serial number and date of manufacture
- This information is printed on the registration card and can also be found on a white label located on the back of the child restraint system.
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- Easy-release harness button makes it simple to loosen harness straps.
Car Seat Expiration Dates Britax Boulevard Review Home Decor
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- Britax Advocate Vs Boulevard 2020 Updated Review Britax boulevard expiration understanding the facts about britax marathon serial number location catblog the most trusted source for car seat reviews ratings where to find serial number on britax car seat
- Whats people lookup in this blog: Car Seat Expiration Britax Boulevard 70
Was the BOB Jogging Stroller Recalled
Goodhousekeeping.comDA: 24PA: 50MOZ Rank: 91
- You’ll have to be ready with your serial number and date of manufacture, which you can find on your stroller’s frame
- In order to get the incentives, you must watch the full video and submit
Infant Car Seats Recalled by Britax Due to Laceration and
Cpsc.govDA: 12PA: 50MOZ Rank: 80
- The white serial label with the seat’s serial number, model number, and manufacture date can be found on the underside of the car seat
- Remedy: Consumers should immediately contact Britax for a free repair kit, which includes a replacement chest clip.
Britax Marathon 70 Expiration: Know Car Seats and Their Laws
Carseatmart.comDA: 15PA: 31MOZ Rank: 65
- Car seats cannot pass inspection if they don’t have a readable serial number
- Likewise, secondhand stores often refuse to sell seats that don’t have clear manufacturing information
- By blacking out or removing the seat’s serial number, you decrease the likelihood that a thrift store will try to sell your expired Britax Marathon 70 car seat.
BRITAX B-SAFE 35 USER MANUAL Pdf Download ManualsLib
Manualslib.comDA: 18PA: 37MOZ Rank: 75
- B-SAFE 35 User Guide Features User Guide Storage Canopy 10
- Base Serial Number and Manufacture Date Label Head Pad (optional) 11
- Harness Adjuster Button (Underside of the Base) Carry Handle 12
Britax roundabout 55 expiration date
Stantonhealthcenter.comDA: 23PA: 50MOZ Rank: 94
- Britax is 6 years from manufacture date on those seats so the 3/06 would be expired as of this month and the 1/07 would be expired january of next year
- You can get additional information on the recall on this Britax web page, by emailing Britax[email protected]britax.com or phoning 1 …
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Which.co.ukDA: 15PA: 50MOZ Rank: 87
- What to do if you have a Britax Römer Dualfix
- Each Britax Römer seat has a unique serial number
- If you’ve bought a Dualfix since November 2017, enter the serial number into the checker tool on the Britax Römer website to confirm whether it is affected: www.dualfix-check.com
- To find the serial number, you’ll need to:
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- (12) 12 product ratings - BRITAX B Ready Black Standard Double Stroller,pickup only, 11209 or 10312
- Britax B-Ready stroller w bunch of extras
- Britax B ready Stroller-includes second seat to make a double
Why Car Seat Expiration Dates Exist and How to Find Them
Healthline.comDA: 18PA: 32MOZ Rank: 74
Britax tells users to find the date of manufacture — by using the serial number and instruction manual — and then provides expiration dates based on …
Britax Urgently Recall Car Seats Due To Safety Concerns
Playpennies.comDA: 19PA: 50MOZ Rank: 94
- The car seats involved are certain classic Britax Dualfix Car Seats sold between 3rd November 2017 and 22nd March 2018
- If you have a Britax Dualfix seat you are advised not to use it and to enter the seat's serial number on the manufacturer's websiteHERE to see if your seat is one of those affected, and to request a replacement.
Car Seats Break During Safety Testing
Simplemost.comDA: 18PA: 50MOZ Rank: 94
- Like the Britax testing, the breakage occurred with both the 52-pound and 62-pound dummies
- As for the dummy meant to simulate the average 3-year …
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