Folder Forge Mac Manual

  1. Forge Folder Minecraft
  2. Forge Mac Minecraft

The launcher supports all versions of Minecraft, from first Alpha to latest release, including Forge & Optifine from version 1.4.7 to latest. (Manual installation of Forge is supported as well). Forge Mod Loader (FML) is a software program that allows you to install custom mods for Minecraft. After FML is installed, you can download any mod file of your choice, and integrate them into Minecraft gameplay using the program. Apple Macintosh Instruction Manuals (User Guides) As per reader requests, direct links to official Apple Macintosh instruction manuals in PDF format - hosted by Apple's own support site- are provided below as well as on the specs page for each G3 and newer Mac.

2. Forge Commands

Forge comes with a handful of commands that help make theme development easy.


2.1 forge create

Creates the your_theme directory if it doesn't exist, and sets up a new Forge project in that directory.

A new Forge project contains directories for your assets, templates, functions and includes. Forge also generates a few standard WordPress templates and adds some example Sass / CSS.

See how Forge works for a detailed explanation of how a Forge project is structured.

2.2 forge link

Must be run from within a Forge project.

Creates a symbolic link from /path/to/wordpress_install/wp-content/themes/your_theme to the hidden Forge build directory (.forge/build). After running forge link, any changes you make while running forge watch will be reflected in your WordPress installation.

forge link is just a convenient way to run ln -s .forge/build /path/to/wordpress_install/wp-content/themes/your_theme

You'll need to run forge link once for every WordPress install you want to test your theme with.

2.3 forge watch

Must be run from within a Forge project.

Watches the source directory in your project for changes and compiles those changes in the Forge build directory (.forge/build), which should be linked to your WordPress installation after running forge link.

forge watch is where the magic happens - you need to leave forge watch running while working on your project.

For a more detailed explanation of what happens during forge watch, check out how Forge works.

2.4 forge build

Must be run from within a Forge project.

Forge Folder Minecraft

Compiles the theme from the source directory into the build directory. If you want to build somewhere other than build, you can specify the directory by running forge build my_build_directory.

Folder Forge Mac Manual

forge build is useful if you want to review Forge's output before releasing your theme.

2.5 forge package

Must be run from within a Forge project.

Forge Mac Minecraft

Compiles the theme and zips it to package/ To name the zip file, run forge package your_name and the theme will be compiled to package/